Silicon transistors continue from year to year to decrease in size. However, the extremely small size leads to a lack of conductivity and the appearance of leakage , which limits the speed of computation and reduces efficiency. As one of alternatives is considered the application of silicon nanoscale tubes of carbon atoms. Studies conducted by IBM, showed that at equal energy cost , chip made from their use, works at least five times faster than silicon. The idea of such chips has more than ten years, and much in this direction has been already achieved, a number of issues remain to stop scientists.
When working with a large number of nanomaterials units will inevitably be difficult to control the emerging marriage. So, with regards to carbon nanotubes, instead of desired semiconductor is sometimes obtained when growing metal wires that can burn a chip when it is connected to a power source. The research team from Stanford University, under the guidance of professors in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Philip Wong) and Subhasisha Mitra , who led the development of a long time in this area seems to have found a solution to this problem. This was achieved through the use of specially designed chip, which allows to cut off unwanted sections, thus leaving the chip suitable for use.
Jeffrey Bokor , representative of the leadership Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, commented as follows: Moore's Law is coming to its critical point, and silicon should be changed to something else. The Work of Wong and Mitra is very interesting, and allows us to solve a number of difficulties towards the introduction of chip based on carbon nanotubes, thereby bringing the time of a quantum leap in microelectronics. " Related Products :