Study of electrons movement through a conductor is the key to improving the electronic and electromechanical devices. It is determined by the electromagnetic field, whose propagation laws are similar to the laws of light. Modern composite materials can achieve the effect of optical invisibility in which the rays of light flow around the object, followed by restoring its original direction. This fact inspired researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and they decided to do something similar, but for electrons.
The development of MIT specialists may eventually become the base for the next generation of computing devices. It consist in creating nanoparticles, the core is the one conductive material, and the shell - the other. Studies have shown that through such particle electrons pass without deviation, or rather with disabilities, which cancel each other. As a result, an electron passing through a given particle continues to move along a trajectory initially given .
Thus, we can say that the particle is transparent to the electrons. Conductor, consisting of such particles will deliver maximum conductivity with low thermal conductivity - qualities that rarely coexist in the same material. In addition, according to the developers, the technology can be later used to create a new type of switches in microelectronics. Now scientists are working on the placement of the mentioned particles on semiconductor, and experiment with different combinations of materials. The study is funded by the Ministry of Energy.