Preparing to leave the post of Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer continues to make sentimental statements. He said he believes the company chosen the right path of development and perspective, and all shareholders promised a bright future occurrence. Best Microsoft waits ahead, according to Ballmer's letter to investors.
Steve Ballmer every day for more than 30 years, came to work at Microsoft with the confidence that the development of technology will help a person reach their potential. Controlled corporation they changed the world and has achieved record success, but it does not stop. Microsoft will supply the customers with the services and devices, the talent of its employees should be sufficient to maintain the building at a high level for many years. Over the years since the decision to issue their own tablets while Microsoft revenue rose 6% to $ 77.8 billion shareholders received in the form of dividends and share buybacks about $ 12.3 billion
Over the past year, according to Ballmer, Microsoft made significant progress, releasing devices and offering services that are very popular with people and corporations. Buying units Nokia, responsible for the production of smartphones, has become a milestone in the transformation of Microsoft.