Machine translation technology in the last decade are well advanced. Already become a familiar feature of automatic translation of web pages, built-in browser Google Chrome. Quality of machine translation using a related language pairs reached such a level that it almost goes without misinterpretations and linguistic oddities.
Microsoft Corp. this week demonstrated its technology developed by synchronous machine translation of speech in action on one of the core activities. Skype Translator app will recognize the user's speech and near real time to translate it into another language. As a demonstration were selected German and English languages, belonging to the same group, and is already well mastered machine translation systems. It is assumed that the application Skype Translator will be available to users in a beta version in the second half of this year.
Of course, such technology should be improved . The order of words in a sentence, the overall tone can sometimes radically change the meaning of the phrase, and to automate the interpretation lossless quality in this case is quite difficult. Moreover, that phonetic nuances of the various dialects, speech defects specific speaker and other features require high speech recognition accuracy for the effective implementation of simultaneous translation.