As you know, Google is preparing for commercial operation the wireless Internet using repeaters on balloons. This project "Loon", which will cover information network inaccessible or sparsely populated areas of the Earth, the conflict zones. Balloon with a transponder can be raised to a height of 20 kilometers
In May last year the company showed a specially created launcher for balls - a specially designed 16.7-meter crane with a protective wall against the wind. Closed niche protects the balloon to start and enable wheelsets to move the unit to a predetermined and optimized to send the ball into the air space.
Recently, Google has shown a series of pictures, it is implementing a project of wireless "ball" of the Internet in Puerto Rico. To launch each ball with one or two operators takes only 30 minutes. To reach the island Internet in all required eight ground stations and several transponders Loon cylinders in the air.
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