Control algorithms cars with autopilot systems still require resurfacing and improvement , but even now Google prototypes are involved in accidents much less frequently than vehicles with a driver behind the wheel, if recalculated per kilometer. Even last year, Google representatives proudly stated that from a technical point of view, now there are no obstacles for the operation robocar on public roads, and yet everything depends on the legal issues .
According to the publication Computerworld, Google representatives at one of public appearances this week said that the appearance on the public roads of production cars with the autopilot will happen soon enough, and they will go further spread more quickly than many expected. Google representatives lead a typical example: few people are now willing to give up the airbag in the vehicle, but only a few are willing to gladly pay more for a system of automatic braking in front of an obstacle, although both components are introduced in order to heighten security.
According to the NHTSA agency responsible in the United States for road safety, currently 94% of accidents occur due to human factor - a distraction, drunk driving and the impact of fatigue on the reaction rate. Without the removal of a person from driving the process to achieve zero deaths on the roads will not work.
By 2020 Nissan Brand will launch at least 10 models of cars that have a significant degree of management autonomy. In the cities of the future, according to Ghosn, cars will be able to perform all the maneuvers themselves. Nissan is going to offer cars with the autopilot in the mass market segment. In Japan, the company is already testing prototypes of the electric Nissan Leaf, so we can not exclude that in the next generation, it will get a longer autopilot as standard.
According to Ghosn, the spread of electric vehicles currently prevents their high price and weak development of charging stations network, coupled with the relatively inexpensive hydrocarbon fuel .