Graphene is traditionally viewed as an excellent conductor since its conductivity is 10 times greater than silicon. At the same time, it would be tempting to use such material as raw material for the channel transistors. At the time, scientists have found that graphene with a very specific type of topology armchair (which can be roughly translated as armrests) begins to demonstrate the properties of semiconductors. In other words, the strip of graphene can be built gate of the transistor.
Traditionally nanobelts graphene created in laboratories lithographic copper-based. Scientists from the University of Wisconsin offered a cheaper option of creating graphene nanoplosok. As a base for the process proposed germanium substrate or silicon substrate with a layer of germanium. During processing of such a plate using vacuum deposition, scientists have been able to create a geometrically correct strip width up to 10 nm. This technology is easier and faster to work with silicon wafers and may be advantageous for the production of graphene-based semiconductors.
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