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Clawhammer is already an old A64 core but here is some step to follow:
1)lower your htt multiplyer to 3x
2)lower your memory devinder set it to 166 even 133mhz
3)set your vcore to stock for start
4)set max async latency to 7x and read preamble to 7x .
u will twaek those setting later
5)use only one video card.
6)start increasing the htt 5-10 mhz step and check for stability in windows (30 min is enough for quick stability test)
7)use prime 95 small FTT to test the cpu and large FTT for the memory
8)if stable you are ok restart and increase again your htt
9)not stable restart increase the vcore by 0.025v step
Note:burning in can help in case of amd 64 if u need more info about burinig just ask :-)

Keep it Clear :-)

Have had the clawhammer for over a year - never really bothered clocking it very far. Step 4 is a new one for me - never seen those settings on my board bios. Will have a look and get back to you.


those setting are avaible in bios memory timing section.some mobo have lack of those seting but u can alwais change them with A64 Tweaker.avaible in download section

Keep it Clear :-)

Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Tried A64 tweaker but can't seem to get it run stable over 2.6Ghz. Not complaining, mind you. Very pleased with 2.6Ghz. I'm just a little surprised that it wont move a little further. Its rock solid at 2.6 but completely flaky at anything higher. Was expecting a little more middle ground to play around in.


if none of abrove step help.u can try 1.65 v(vcore) and see how much it would help in overclock. or as alwais u can try burn in procedure.it has great result with some amd CPU is is alwais somethings that u can try

Keep it Clear :-)

No joy so far - can explain this Burn in method you mentioned? Thanks


in general burn in work in all hardware. it is used when some pc parts refuse to clock higher or if user want to drop voltage applyed . there is serval theorie and none of them are guarented . but it is free to try :-).the principe start by that u should force the cpu to work with lower voltage a x frequency(cpu is not stable with curent x and vcore setting). so lets say your cpu is stable 2600 ( 11 x 236mhz ) with 1.6v. start by lowring the vcore with keeping the same frequency such 1.575(just run prime 95 and see how many time before failure in general i use somewhere between 5-10min stable) or even lower if your cpu is capble .go in windows then start any hard cpu task u can use sandra burn in . or cpu burn in etc... u should be certain that the cpu could handle this burn in test for over 8 hours without crash or reboot.the system should be somewhere between stable and instable. after 8 hour of burn in (reboot your pc and check how stable becaume the cpu with using prime 95 note down how much before failure).if first time u run prime u got 5min tha failure.then second time u got 10 min and ailure this mean that the cpu is definitvely gaining from burn in. u can now drop more the voltage or clock th cpu higher and burn again.if everything work u should get finaly the 2600mhz stable with lower voltage such as (1.5v) and u can use the additional 0.1v for higher clock frequency :-) if still the same time u should try serval other time and see how this would help.(but as said nothings is guarented)

Keep it Clear :-)

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