intel company decisively disposed to transfer all processors to the architecture core as soon as possible, some transpositions in numbers of processors with the architecture netBurst continue to this day. For example, single core processors cedarMill of series pentium 4 6x1 had to begin passage on stepping D0 on 22 November of the present year, but Intel decided to introduce some correctives into the program of a similar modernization.
As says document, released Intel by in the 8 December of this year,they refuse to transfer the processor pentium 4 661 (3.6 GHz) on stepping D0 . This processor will be present on the counters performance on the stepping C1 to the end of its life cycle. Completely custum tactics of failure with the modernization of processors models , which be subject to fast abolition.
Furthermore, intel company reexamined the periods of the beginning deliveries for processors pentium 4 631 (3.0 GHz) and Pentium 4 641 (3.2 GHz) on stepping D0. They will begin to appear in stores not on 22 November, but on 26 December of the present year. The processor pentium 4 651 (3.4 GHz) stepping D0 must already appear on the counters, since delivery times were not reexamined for it.
To distinguish the processors stepping D0 is possible not only by markings, but also according to the exterior view of the abdomen (on the photo to the right).
intel company already reported that was removed from the production part of 0.09 m processors celeron D socket 478, now arrived the turn of the related processors LGA 775.
From 8 December began to act program on the removal from production of the following 0.09 m processors celeron D 3xx LGA 775:
- Celeron D 355 (3.33 GHz);
- Celeron D 351 (3.2 GHz);
- Celeron D 346 (3.06 GHz);
- Celeron D 326 (2.53 GHz).
To Order them is possible until 6 March 2007, the last party of the box processors of the models indicated will be dispatched 6 July 2007, processors in the tray- form will cease to dispatch on 14 December, 2007. we regret, that the users soon will be deprived of this processor Celeron D 326 ($34), which is capable to be overclock rather well. For example, for a participant in the forum xtremeSystems on those days succeeded to overclock the celeron D 326 (2.53 GHz) stepping G1 to 6.5 GHz at a temperature of - 150 degree Celsiuss, which corresponds to increase in the frequency in 158-159%.
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