As is known, the processors AMD Kaveri became the first decisions that support the specification HSA Foundation - was truly heterogeneous when performing calculations. The same characteristic is the server version Kaveri, which will be released under the name Berlin. These processors, as well as their desktop counterparts, combine x86-compatible core and the core consisting of stream processors integrated GPU. But processors AMD Opteron A1100 codenamed Seattle, estimates the supply of which started in late January .
AMD company recognized that processors Opteron A1100 on computing cores ARM eventually receive support from technologies that provide heterogeneous computing. However, it takes time. In fact, a special need to support technology HUMA AMD processors on the ARM architecture is not. Opteron A1100 models contain only computational core ARM in the amount of four or eight pieces. Some elements HUMA, creating a unified environment for integrated processor memory, can afford to work more effectively as conventional multi-core processors. They simplify the code needed for parallelization, and facilitate the interaction of core with space shared cache. Related Products :