AMD company rents the current building headquarters in Sunnyvale , the term of the agreement expires in December 2018, but the owners are ready to give AMD an opportunity twice to extend the rent for ten years. The company last week made it clear that in a year will start moving into a new building complex, which is situated on a little over three kilometers south of the current headquarters.
Deciding to move after 47 years AMD headquarters building prompted by several factors. Firstly, the modernization of the existing building would be too costly. Secondly, the company would like to optimize the layout of their office premises. The new headquarters of the company will get about 20,439 square meters in the six-story building, capable of sheltering up to 1,000 employees. The former headquarters building in which the company occupied 29,636 square meters, the content is more expensive. It has already purchased by the current owner of the company that will take AMD to rent new office space. In place of the old headquarters in Sunnyvale will be built residential apartments.
The complex of buildings, in which AMD will find shelter in the next year, the company will share with the other tenants. Here, in particular, is representative Ericsson. And to some Intel sites are literally a stone's throw away. The new complex of buildings has many contemporary amenities, conference rooms, a park area, sports facilities, numerous points of catering, as well as the residential sector in the 2000 numbers. Moving to a new position AMD plans to complete by the end of 2017. The headquarters will work 775 people - supply to the thousandth mark allows AMD to expect for the future expansion of the state.
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