German enthusiast DresdenBoy before the start of the Hot Chips conference 28 reported about the Zen architecture core area.
Using preliminary data on the layout AMD's Zen cores and information about the area of the corresponding AMD Excavator blocks, which were issued on 28-nm process technology, the author of the blog was able to put forward the assumption that the area occupied by a single core Zen cache memory second level. It turned out a little less than five square millimeters. From AMD presentations known CPU architecture that will exist in Zen modifications TDP level not more than 4W, laptops present in the cooling system without the use of fans. At the same time, the number of cores in the server processors with Zen architecture will reach up to 32 pieces, and samples of such processors already exist.
Of course, even based on the projected area of one core with the second-level cache, it is not so easy to calculate the area of a processor chip. Related Products :