Ilon Mask to set ambitious tasks before himself and his subordinates leads to the fact that in one of the important areas, which is the development of an "autopilot" for Tesla electric vehicles, human resources are involved in accelerated rotation. Someone leaves Tesla in search of a better share - only because the competition is high, and in another place you can expect a more generous compensation package.
Chris Lattner, who Tesla lured from Apple just six months ago, leaves the company with the phrase "did not stick," as many profile resources point out. Clarification on the pages of Electrek allows us to understand that Lattner "did not agree with Mask. However, a native of Apple during his time in Tesla managed to significantly improve the work of "autopilot", as well as increase the staff of developers by 50%. Lattner expresses the hope that a specialist at his level will not sit without invitations from other employers for a long time, and in general he favorably assesses Tesla's progress in automating the process of driving.
Andrei Karpaty was called to replace Lattner, who before that was engaged in developments in the field of machine vision, learning systems and neural networks in the non-commercial project OpenAI, whose creation was also made by Ilon Mask. The Carpathian tasks will include the development of artificial intelligence and machine vision systems, and he will report directly to Ilona Mask, and also work in coordination with Tesla Vice President Jim Keller, who oversees a broader range of responsibilities, including hardware and software For the autopilot. Recall that in Tesla Keller moved from AMD, where he started developing processors with Zen architecture .
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