Toshiba Corporation can no longer be capricious in choosing a new owner for its solid-state memory business, as August is coming to an end, and the management of the Japanese company would like to receive antimonopoly approval of different countries until March of next year to complete the transaction legally until the end of another fiscal Period. Resource Reuters once again told what scenario is now forming the terms of the transaction between Toshiba and Western Digital Corporation.
The investment consortium determines the composition of the participants in such a way that the Japanese structures own at least 60% of the shares of Toshiba Memory. The INCJ and DBJ funds will become the main investors with the "Japanese residence permit", and a couple of local banks will provide loans for the purchase of Toshiba's assets related to the release of solid state memory. At the current exchange rate, the deal value is estimated at $ 17.4 billion, and Toshiba itself expects to retain slightly more than 5% of the shares. On the American side, the investment fund KKR & Co and Western Digital Corporation participate in the transaction, and the latter will pay less than 8% of the shares, and will not claim the right to vote in the management of the Toshiba Memory business. It is felt that the Japanese continue to defend their interests, even in such a seemingly desperate situation.
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