Our associates get hand on two models of video card family: GeForce 8800 gtx and GeForce 8800 gts . The latter, as alwais is a slower GeForce 8800 gtx version . However, Those card have identical size and will occupie the space of two slots .
If we spoke directly about the level of power energy consumption, then documentation from NVIDIA recommand to use for the single GeForce 8800 GTX a power units not less than 450 W, GeForce 8800 GTS requirement are reduced to 400 W .we should agree that for the single video card this not low power ammuont. However, old card on name GeForce 7950 gx2 requires also power not less than 400 W, so user witch like high end system are already prepared for such power hungry cards .
Two videocard series GeForce 8800 in regime SLI will require the use of 800 W power unit . furthermore, This last should have four 6- pronged line of additional power, since each video card uses two. However, with the presence of two line only power unit it is possible to setup the card using adapters.
Associates confirm, that the announcement of GeForce 8800 gtx and GeForce 8800 gts will consists during November this year, and within the next few days they promise more details about these video cards.