At the conference SC09 was published the list of the fastest supers-computer in the planet. The system cray XT5 (Jaguar), is located in the Oakridge national laboratory of the power engineering ministry in USA, recently past update, and now head the new list. Using Six core processor the productivity of the system rose from 1.75 to 2.3 quadrillions of operations with floating point per second .
The basic competitor of jaguar from the very beginning remained the system roadrunner. This super-computer appeared during June 2008 it was the most rapid system and the first in the world with the computational ability of more than one quadrillion of operations with floating point per second, and now its productivity composes 1.4 quadrillions of operations with floating point per second.
On the third line of world rating, we found the system cray XT5 with the code name kraken, which is located in the national institute of computer sciences in Tennesi. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to remember that the system jaguar counts practically fourth million processors, and although the first place today occupies super-computer on base of AMD processors, 80% of rating are occupied with systems on base of Intel processors.