Intel company insists on the fact that it competed on the market honestly and lawfully. On the market for microprocessors, new device take root rapidly, causing the accelerated reduction in prices in comparison with other market segments . The action of the federal commission for trade, in Intel opinion , is based on erroneous conclusions. Furthermore, presented to Intel requirement attempt to set a new rule of market regulation , which circumvent the existing laws. These new rules can damage users, limit update and raise the prices level .
According to Intel representatives , American anti-monopole soupCi attempted to agree with the company, but negotiations reached a deadlock after advancement by the federal commission of the inadequate requirements in the form of attempts to limit valid price competition or attachments of policy with respect to intellectual property. If these requirements were made by Intel, then it would be possible to forget about further conducting of business. According to the estimations of Intel management , the prompt advancement of action from the side of public organs will cost the taxpayers USA tens millions dollars. Related Products :