Recently, LSI corporation stated in its press release about collaboration with Seagate company in the sphere of corporate storage information systems. Here we deal with SSS (Solid state storage) systems on base of solid-state disk. One interesting special features will become the use of PCI express interface. LSI will answer for the interface base, which is based on PCI express, and solid-state disk will be supplied by Seagate company. Seagate already announced SSD for the corporate sector under the designation pulsar.
Marketing studies of IDC show that up to 2013 the profit from sales of solid-state disk in the corporate sector can reach the order of two billion US dollars. According to (Jeff janukowicz), manager for marketing studies HDD and SSD IDC company, at the given moment the solid-state disk should focus attention on price for giga-byte, productivity, energy consumption and reliability, and SSS on base of PCI express interface will correspond to these requirements.
The collaboration of companies with long-standing work experience, such as LSI and Seagate, positively will affect development of both companies .