In the past year the market for microprocessors underwent serious changes: the splash of interest in the tablet devices had to slightly displace demand to the side of processors with ARM architecture, and up to third of all mobile and tablet computers turned to the use of processors with the built-in video core.
iSuppli considers the gain of producers, obtained from the realization of processors with different architecture, used in the computers of different class. intel company in the past year increased its portion only by 0,4%, and now it controls 81% of market for microprocessors in the gain indices . AMD Company decreased its portion from 12,2% to 11,4%, - other producers increased gain from the realization of processors by 0,4%. In the absolute expression the market capacity for microprocessors increased in comparison with 2009 by 25%, to $40 billion.
If we examine the results of the fourth quarter 2010, then intel company increased its market share from 80,8% to 81,5% in the quarterly expression, and from 81% to 81,5% in the annual. AMD Company lost positions both in the quarterly expression (- 0,5%) and in the annual (1,2%). Essential transpositions in 2010 it was not observed, but the popularity of tablets will within the next few years have a effect on the market for microprocessors. Related Products :