As estimated the analytical agency iSuppli, 2011 was a record for the counterfeit products in the semiconductor industry, and the number of cases of fraud has tripled over the past two years. The five most popular bands of semiconductors, which are oriented in commercial applications, and the military, approximately two-thirds of the total number of fraud:
- analog integrated circuits -> 25.2%;
- Microprocessors -> 13.4%;
- memory chip -> 13.1%;
- programmable logic integrated circuits -> 8.3%;
- Transistors -> 7.6%.
Market volume formed by these five groups of semiconductors, measured sum of $ 169 billion. These devices are widely used in computing, consumer electronics devices, wired and wireless communications, automotive and diverse industrial equipment.
Counterfeit products are often cheaper analogues, or products not conforming to quality standards. Related Products :