The overclocked versions geForce 8800 Ultra appeared only from XFX (650/1620/2260 MHz) and Sparkle (650/1500/2250 MHz). Only two companies proposed replacement to the standard cooler : Sparkle with Peltier module cooling system  and BFG with copper water-block from danger den production  . However, XFX do not overclock the video card , after proposing on price $999 graphic card geForce of 8800 Ultra with default frequencies and water-block.
A while after the announcement of GeForce  8800 Ultra,  EVGA Company decided to raise the core frequency Of geForce 8800 Ultra to 655 MHz, memory was overclocked to 2250 MHz DDR, as result we obtained : EVGA e-GeForce 8800 Ultra Superclocked (P/N: 768- P2 N887 for USA and P/N: 768- P2 E887 for Europe). The cost of such video card will be $899 in USA and ˆ899 in Europe.
But if price increase ($70) for supplemental 43 MHz core frequency and 90 MHz DDR memory frequency does not arrange buyer, it is possible to get  EVGA e-GeForce 8800 Ultra KO (P/N: 768- P2 N885 for  USA and P/N: 768- P2 E885 in Europe), which works at frequencies 636/2250 MHz. Actually, in this case users will obtain the same memory frequency but with lower price - $859 in USA and ˆ859 in Europe.
Let us recall that the standard version geForce 8800 Ultra from EVGA works by at frequencies 612/2160 MHz and it is proposed on price $849. Any buyer of EVGA production , which lives in USA, obtains the limited life time guarantee,  exchange of defective video card (buyer obtains new video card before sending the defective one), twenty-four hour telephone technical support, possibility to participate in upgrade program and access to the technical support EVGA forum  . This is already pretty good for supplemental $20.
The overclocked versions geForce 8800 Ultra from EVGA will be put on the market on 15 May this year.