As is known cooling components to minus temperatures is not only technically complex, but also expensive. The majority of phase transition systems allow to reach overclock record .
OCZ technology company promised to release moderate performance phase change cooling with respectable price : This project was called name OCZ Cryo- Z. This series with cost $300 had to cool the processor to temperature 10-20 degree Celsius lower than zero. The preparation process of mass production was delayed, which served as reason for the appearance of rumors about the failure of OCZ idea in the release of Cryo- Z.
Associates on this week met OCZ representatives , and those refined the release graph of Cryo- Z in the market. Now this cooler passes the last stages and on the market it will appear in the end of the current block. Characteristics and price are not defined, but producer recommended to design it for $300 .
Let us recall that the propagation of Cryo- Z will start in the market of North America, the deliveries in Europe will start later . Related Products :