In the last quarter of calendar year 2013 IBM revenue was $ 27.7 billion, which is 5% less than the year before. Net profit at the same time fell, and increased by 6% to $ 6.2 billion , The level of company profitability has not changed and remained at 52%. A year ago, the tax rate for the company amounted to 25.5%. In the reporting quarter, IBM had already paid taxes at a rate of 11.2%.
Software company brought in the fourth quarter $ 8.1 billion - is 3% more than in the fourth quarter of 2012. The main credit for this belongs to the main suite of applications, which made $ 5.8 billion, or 5% more. Proceeds from sales of operating systems decreased by 3% to $ 687 million revenue from the service for the year decreased by 4% - to $ 9.9 billion in revenue from financial transactions remains unchanged at $ 534 million
In this segment, revenue for the year decreased by 26% to $ 4.3 billion , revenue from sales of System z mainframe for the year fell by 37%. Revenue from sales of Power-platforms declined over the same period by 31%. Revenue from sales of x86-compatible servers System x decreased by 16%. Revenue from sales of storage fell by 13%. Unit to develop OEM-Microelectronics reduced revenues by 33%.
In general, for the entire 2013 the company made $ 99.8 billion in annual revenue drop compared with 2012 was 4.6%. Net profit for the year decreased slightly - by 1% and was equal to $ 16.5 billion According to the CEO of the company, Ginny Rometta, IBM is confident to set earlier goal: earn 2015 at $ 20 per share (for the reporting quarter earnings per share is $ 15).