Some analyst argued that the PC market is dying, others talked about transformation, and only the most interested manufacturers continued to insist that it is still alive and kicking. Intel's recent attempts to extend its expansion in the tablets market , smartphones and handheld devices should be seen as a recognition of the futility of the PC segment.
First, Devil's Canyon processors Pentium G3258 issued clearly aiming at enthusiasts, although they still can not find a way of cooling, which would reveal all the overclocking potential of engineering samples of this series. In addition, in September will be released Haswell-E processors.
Finally, yesterday, Intel said it is revising its revenue forecast for the current quarter upwards - from $ 13 billion to $ 13.7 billion, if not consider mandatory in such cases, the prediction error tolerances. The rate of profit to rise by one percentage point to 64%. The main positive factor Intel calls the growth in sales volumes of PC - though mainly in the corporate sector of the market.