We have repeatedly talked about the supercomputer system IBM Watson, who not only participated in the quiz, but also helps professionals to analyze large amounts of information. As reported Reuters, on Wednesday IBM has been based on the possibility of Watson cloud service Watson Discovery Advisor available for a wide range of clients. System, in particular, is able to understand natural human language in the formation of queries to evaluate the result of chemical reactions and to establish visual connections between groups of data.
Services of such a system can be useful to scientists who were forced to analyze the experience of other colleagues, described in numerous publications. Watson significantly reduces the time required for the analysis of such information. For example, one of the professors was able in a short time to automatically analyze 70 thousand scientific papers , in the manual mode, it would take almost 38 years.
Western pharmaceutical companies have been using Watson for the analysis of the effectiveness of the application of some drugs and the search capabilities of their alternative use.