As in the case of manufacture of logic and processors, manufacturers of computer memory are also trying to keep the old production equipment. Thus there is a problem such as reduction in structure size of the capacitor DRAM unit memory . On this base, to reduce the scale of DRAM production is much harder than for the NAND-flash. For example, new 4-Gbps 20-nm crystals DDR3 Samsung has started to use two consecutive mask (two projections). It lengthens the production and increases the cost of making. According to ASML company , the output can be found in the translation memory in the computer manufacturing EUV-projection on the development stage of 16-nm process technology.
Complex and therefore costly immersion lithography using multiple passes for critical layers can be replaced by a simple and single pass using the projection in the hard ultraviolet range. ASML company expects that process technology with the rules of 16 nm using EUV-equipment can be launched in the second half of 2016. However, while negotiations with the producers of memory on this subject are in the preliminary discussion stage . Related Products :