Wearable electronics, including smart watches, while not as popular among users, as would be desirable to producers. This is indicated by a new GlobalWebIndex study .
According to TechCrunch, GlobalWebIndex analysts conducted a survey, which was about 170,000 adult members from 32 countries. Of these, only 9% use smart watches, and another 7% have a smart bracelets. In contrast, 80% of respondents currently own smart phone, and 91% - PC.
It is noted that the majority of owners wearable electronics are wealthy men aged 25 to 34 years living in the Asia-Pacific region. This once again confirms the fact that smart bracelets and smart watches are still niche products .
Also, the survey found that 75% of users have access to the internet on their smartphones. The average amount of time that users spend daily on their mobile devices has increased from 40 minutes in 2012 to 1.85 hours. And in Africa and the Middle East this figure exceeds 3:00.
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