For the gaming market, as explained Jensen Huang, Europe remains an important part. He also emphasizes the important role of the Russian market - according to the founder of NVIDIA, this is a very big market for the games and all that is connected with them. In the United States and China in recent years there has been some slowdown in the market.
Technology virtual reality , as we mentioned last night, Jensen Huang pays a special place in the list of factors that could stimulate demand for gaming products. Even after the ubiquitous virtual reality devices, according to the head of NVIDIA, will remain a sufficient number of games, which continue to use multi-monitor and TV screens - not everything will go exclusively to the head-mounted display, although adapted to the game it will be very much. Speaking about the second half of the year, Jensen Huang also expected to surge in consumer activity since the release of Windows 10 and DirectX 12 . Related Products :