According to analysts of the Taiwanese firm Digitimes Research, the global PC sales format all-in-one at the end of 2015 will fall by 3.9% in comparison with last year. Their annual delivery of around 13 million copies.
Also, analysts Digitimes Research believes that next year the volume of all in one pc deliveries will remain unchanged in 2015 and will be reduced by about 0.5%.
According to DigiTmes, leading manufacturers of all in one pc are Lenovo and Apple, whose combined share will increase from 59.1% in 2014 to 60% in 2015. Also in the top five enter Hewlett-Packard (HP), Dell and Acer. The combined share of these five companies will be at the end of 2015 88.8%, and at the end of 2016 - 89.1%.