Intel has had to admit that the effect of the so-called "Moore's Law" has slowed in recent years - doubling the density of transistors, which provides microprocessors productivity growth now is not every two years, and once every two and a half years. At the same time, Intel is ready to make all possible efforts for the return of the rule of thumb in the former course .
As reported last week , Intel director of the industrial division William Holt at an industry conference ISSCC explained that silicon transistors as we know it will be able to hold out a couple of generations - up to 7 nm standards. In the future Intel will have to adopt new technologies: among the candidates referred to tunneling transistors and spintronics, the latter is much closer to realization. According to experts, will give life spintronics memory chips with low power consumption in the next year, and eventually prescribe GPUs.
Holt recognized that new technologies do not provide processors productivity growth - even by moderate rates. The main output from the transition to the new principles of microprocessors will be in marked reduction in energy consumption. This is important for server solutions, and wearable electronics, and robotics.