As part of the passing today conference GDC 2016 Game Developers logical expect the loud statements from leading companies in one way or another connected with games. NVIDIA, presented a set of tools GameWorks version 3.1, in which we are waiting for the new technology of lighting and shading. GameWorks Latest version is already available to all interested developers.
So, three light"technologies opens NVIDIA Volumetric Lighting - advanced technology volumetric lighting, simulating light scattering in the air and the atmosphere. For the first time this technology has been applied in Fallout 4.
Another innovation in the GameWorks 3.1 will be the algorithm Hybrid Frustrum Traced Shadows (HFTS).
Finally, the third innovation - global shading algorithm Voxel Accelerated Ambient Occlusion, abbreviated - VXAO. As written by the developers of the new algorithm, it allows you to add depth and realism of any scene and greatly exceeds all previous algorithms shading. For the first time to see the work we have been able to VXAO Rise of the Tomb Raider after the recent patch.
In addition, PhysX library received two extensions. PhysX-GRB - is a new implementation of simulation technology dynamics of solids, used in hundreds of games. According to the developers, this algorithm is able to work in a hybrid CPU / GPU mode, up to six times more productive than its predecessor in the medium and high complexity for simulations. Related Products :