Bloomberg agency with reference to their own informed sources continues to fuel rumors about Apple's intentions to focus on the development of software solutions for automated guided vehicles, abandoning the idea of releasing the actual car.
According to the source, Apple is actively hiring in Canada natives of the BlackBerry, are familiar with the QNX operating system, which is used in more than 60 million cars traveling about on the planet. Although this software platform is now used mainly in the onboard entertainment systems, Apple wants to use QNX specialist expertise to create own multi-functional "car operating system." In addition to the services "autopilot", it will be able to offer voice interaction with a driver - for example, the formation of navigation and other requests for on-board systems.
With the participation of specialists, newly hired Apple's, is already underway "running" automatic control technologies on the simulator using virtual reality. This allows Apple to avoid too much attention to prototypes, traveling about on the streets, and polygons. BlackBerry representatives said they had no plans to abandon the development of its own software for robocar.
Apple executives at a recent quarterly reporting the conference blurry commented on the growth of the cost of research, explaining that the company invests in products that are far from the stage of mass production. Considering that under "Services" Apple's revenue grew by 24% in the third quarter, it can be assumed that the development of an ecosystem of software company pays enough attention.