Information technology is gradually changing the world. Customers were able to quickly and easily call a taxi, and the latest drivers are forecasted load and flexible hours. However, classical taxi pools of these processes is not happy, as "aggregators" bring down prices and take away customers, without presenting specific requirements for the qualification of taxis and drivers involved. Now the experts in one voice say that the taxi drivers already displace robots in the next ten years. This will further reduce costs, and many hesitate to contact with an unknown driver, customers can on a background of the emergence of such services to opt out of owning own car.
Volkswagen German carmaker following the example of many competitors trying to gain access to the cash flows "aggregators taxi" through investment in service Gett, and negotiated with Uber, but could not be satisfied with the role of banal taxi provider. Now, as reported by Reuters, the German automaker has announced the creation of MOIA unit that will focus on the provision of transport services to customers using the car brands belonging to the group. Business will be launched in Europe, but eventually spread to the United States and China. Already next year the state units in Europe will exceed 200 people, and in a couple of years MOIA plans to move the Uber, becoming the region's largest provider of transport services for the population.
Under these plans Volkswagen is ready to allocate hundreds of millions of dollars in investment, and eventually to participate in the project will be involved, and other companies as well as investors' funds. Two other major automaker in the face of Toyota and General Motors is also seen in investments in companies that provide services for passengers.
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