The advance of NVIDIA ION platform, which consists on atom processors and integrated chipset GeForce 9400M, in many respects prevents the Intel policy on the advance of atom processors.
As explains NVIDIA chapter , currently separate atom processor cost $45, and in the complete set with chipset , it cost $25. It is natural that the cost of NVIDIA ION solutions will be higher with this Intel price policy , since NVIDIA partners are forced to buy atom processors for $45 per piece.
Jen-Hsun huang named this Intel price policy as dishonest, and acknowledged that NVIDIA is not assembled to give a law court to Intel . NVIDIA Chapter expresses hope, that Intel will conduct competitive activity on the honest principles. Intel representatives stated that they do not see in the existing sales practice of atom processor disturbances of honest competition principles . The company just proposes a complete set using its processors and chipset from its own production on the advantageous price.
Look like NVidia forget about its SLI and how they dominated the motherboard market for long time licensing only NVidia Chipset to use this technology , forcing users and producers to purchase their product .