Passage on Windows vista for many users was wrapped up by headache, since this operating system imposed sufficiently high demands on the hardware level . Microsoft even divided correspondence to the Windows vista requirements in two levels, one will realize all advantages of the new operating system, and the second tolerably work without the use of all user interface update.
For the corporate computer, a similar update proved to be completely expensive.For this reason more than 90% of corporate computers, until now, work under Windows XP. Passage on Windows 7 will be less unhealthy for corporations.
If at the moment of Windows vista release to the minimum hardware requirements of this operating system corresponded only the half of corporate computers, then to the minimum requirements of Windows 7 corresponds 88% of corporate computers. However, if we speak about the optimum computer configuration , then to the requirements of this level correspond up to 65% of computers in the case with Windows 7, and for Windows vista this index was equal only 6%.
Only 12% of computers, which participated in the study, will require the replacements of hard disk (against 19% for Vista), only 12% will require increases in the memory volume (against 41% for Vista). Complete replacement will require only 12% against 50% in the case from Vista. Consequently, in the hardware update plan upon transfer on Windows 7 the corporations have chance to make small expanse. Related Products :