Based on the example of market for microprocessors the tendency of reduction in the sales price in 2009 was clearly expressed, although the sales volumes were increased. It became an exception, perhaps that, the fourth quarter - in this period the sales price grew by 6.7%. Intel quarterly report spoke about an analogous phenomenon - at the end of year demand was displaced to the side of more expensive and more productive processors new generation.
After releasing many cheap netbook, producers did not obtain high income. In the opinion of mercury research analysts , Intel and AMD must rest on the expansion of markets for sale with the release of new classes devices and mastery of markets for developing countries. Plane-desktop computers can serve as an example of new class devices - if Apple presents the appropriate product, other producers will obtain the possibility to estimate the prospect of this market segment .
According to Intel scientific , the reduction in computer cost would allow a larger quantity of people to obtain access to computers. Now the quantity of users on the Earth is approximately equal to billion men, and in all our planets populate six billion man. For this reason, it is necessary to reduce the cost of computer.