At the announcement moment of smart phone iPhone 4 Apple made an arrogant statement: the screen resolution of this device (326 ) is higher than the resolution of an eye retina with the perception of image at the distance of about 30 cm. the sensory screen of iPhone 4 with 3.5 size is made on the IPS technology and iPad screen allow to attain high contrast and large viewing angles.
According to associate, the declared by apple resolution indices of the human eye retina are distant from the truth. First, directly determine the resolution of the retina is not so simple, since a human eye has the angular resolution of approximately 50 cycles to the degree, which is necessary to recount in the customary to us pixel. In the second place, in the linear values human eye resolution at 30 cm will be equal to approximately 477 pixels. Consequently, iPhone screen does not theoretically correspond to the native human eye resolution. In this case expert is confident, that the newest apple products are equipped with some of the best displays on the market. Related Products :