AMD finally was determined with the periods for the introduction of support to the memory of type DDR- E for its desktop platform. It is expected that the support of DDR- E will obtain the processors socket AM3, which will be released in the second-half of 2008 on the new 45 NM technical process. Strictly speaking, the recent statements of the IBM representatives about the readiness for the passage on 45 NM technical process in 2008 in the section with AMD plans do not occur, so the forecasts remain valid.
We already observed, that the processors socket AM2+ generation K8L once was named. However, this did not affect their characteristics . Let us recall that recently AMD do not uses for the code designations of processor cores the cities name as earlier, but the names of celestial bodies.
The replacement of processors upon transfer from 65 NM to 45 NM technical process will be achieved as follows:
- Agena FX - > Deneb FX (four cores);
- Agena - > Deneb (four cores);
- Kuma - > Propus (two cores).
Simultaneously we can ascertain that the named recently frequency characteristics for the representatives of generation K8L actually correspond to the indicated in documentation AMD . About the characteristics of their successors , AMD do not reports nothing , besides the fact of support to memory of type DDR- E. The names of followers relative to the inexpensive processors rana and Spica are not also called. Related Products :