Large manufacturers of mobile electronics drew attention to the multi-core processors. Dual-core chips in tablet computers and smart phones is hard to surprise anyone, and soon, the mass distribution will be quad-solutions, which actively contribute to the platform NVIDIA Tegra 3. HTC is working on devices, based on the platform that will allow the company to compete with ASUS, Acer, Samsung and Lenovo, which also focused their efforts on this front.
The first tablet HTC, has a quad-core processor, will be called Quattro . The device has a 10.1-inch screen with 1280 x 768 , supports 3.5G cellular networks and Wi-Fi. The tablet support cloud services HTC and Dropbox.
Also, HTC is working on two smart phones that are based on Tegra 3. HTC Edge, who will receive a chip with a frequency of 1.5 GHz, 4.7-inch screen, HTC Sense 4.0 interface and support for many branded services for the delivery of digital content. More impressive HTC Zeta, will use a quad-core Qualcomm clocked at 2.5 GHz. The smartphone will get a 4.5-inch screen, 8 megapixel camera and support cloud services. Related Products :