Six of ten highest-grossing movies released in 2011, were filmed in 3d format, just the same for the period from 2008 to 2011 were released 160 such movies. Nine percent of all televisions sold today support 3D stereoscopic image, and in terms of revenue, their share is 23%. Three dimensional format costs about $ 100 000 per minute and requires painstaking work of specialists in computer graphics - each frame is divided into eight layers in depth images.
The popularity of stereoscopic movies increases every thirty years and then decreases. The first stereoscopic film came out in 1922. It is possible that in a few years, interest in these technologies will begin to fade. On the other hand, now stereoscopic format with the big screen comes to consumer devices, and the filmmakers and distributors generally considered the 3D image as chance to win fight with pirates. Related Products :