Assembling and testing processors and other chips was entrusted to factories in China, but U.S. manufacturers are not so readily accommodated in third countries.
The Indian authorities try to build in the country's first factory capable of processing silicon wafers and to create chips. Negotiations on this subject with potential investors are going , but now the local government is determined to achieve certainty in this matter until the end of this year. Indian authorities are ready to share with investors the cost of building and infrastructure. Officials said that in talks with potential investors have achieved substantial progress.
Most interesting that the supporters of this initiative have additional incentives in the form of Indian education system needs in the budget tablet Aakash . The project to supply students in India with this tablet will be viable only if the production of most components for the device in the country. Otherwise, the tablet will not get a proper distribution. Under the new initiative, all Indian students are required to obtain a tablet Aakash at no cost on their part. Costs for the tablet will be shared by the government and the administration of a particular institution.