Some electronic devices have achieved a high degree of convergence. Desktop systems are placed in one case with monitor , ultrabooks can easily turn into tablets by removing the dock with a keyboard, it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between large and compact smartphone tablet.
Toshiba has decided to optimize the cost of various electronic devices development, entrusting the work on the design of television sets, computers, and tablets to one specialists group . The changes will affect about one thousand Toshiba employees - total number of staff reaches 30 thousand people.
Design studio located in the western part of Tokyo, will create televisions and computers. Previously, this work at Toshiba have different units. The company also wants to simplify its product line in order to optimize costs and make production of television sets outside Japan. It is expected that part of operations for assembling television sets will be carried in Indonesia and Egypt. Relevant Business Toshiba will largely depend on other companies.
Toshiba Multi-conglomerate engaged in different activities, is currently the most profitable , manufacturing solid-state memory, and equipment for nuclear power. The company also intends to start production of components for data centers that use drives of its own production.