A group of scientists, materials scientists at Ohio State University, under the direction of Joshua Goldbringera developed a technology that allows to create a one-dimensional material based on germanium . In its structure, the material is similar to graphene, which is a single-atom layer of carbon. Previously monohydric germanium layers are unstable, and they tend to drift. Experts managed to solve this problem, growing germanium crystals with included calcium atoms, which are then washed with water and replaced by hydrogen.
The new material is called germanan and he has a remarkable performance. Passage of electricity through it is at least 10 times faster than silicon. In addition, due to the presence of hydrogen, it has a higher chemical resistance, not oxidized under the influence of air and water. It is much easier to work with. In conclusion, it should be added that at the request of researchers, this material has great applications potential in optoelectronics, having direct optical transitions it easily absorbs and emits light. Related Products :