Kevin Turner talked about the business model for the distribution of Windows 10 is not formed, and it will tell Microsoft no earlier than the next quarter. However, Turner notes that the experiment on the Elimination of licensing fees for the use of Windows on devices with screens up to 9 inches, inclusive can be considered successful. First of all, when Microsoft announced that "action", in the same week in the world appeared 36 new devices with the "free" Windows. Segment of devices with this operating system has received a new impetus for development, which is still valid to this day.
Instead of receiving money from the consumer for the operating system at once, Microsoft is looking for new ways to monetize this type of activity. Paid subscription services and programs is one of them.
Along the way, Turner said about the tablet Surface Pro 3. Apart from laudatory epithets relating to the ability of the device to replace tablet and laptop, you can find out that the release of their own tablets, Microsoft has mastered mainly to motivate their partners. On the example of Surface they can understand what should be the device running under Windows. This would be exacerbated competition and would accelerate technological progress. In the meantime, as can be judged by quarterly reports Microsoft, release tablet brings some losses and get rid of them succeed except at the operational level.