Samsung Electronics is usually associated with a decrease in sales of smartphones. Meanwhile, revenue also brings production of semiconductors, which is also in recession. Current negative factors forced the analytical agencies to revise their forecasts for revenues Samsung Electronics for the current quarter downward.
According to website Business Korea, experts Daishin Securities Co. in the fourth quarter Samsung Electronics will gain about $ 5.27 billion. This is approximately 10% lower than the estimates from previous forecasts, which expected revenue of $ 5.9 billion, and $ 424.63 million below the average forecast. Other experts are more optimistic regarding the volume of revenu.
The average projected Samsung Electronics generated $ 5.73 billion for the current quarter, which is 27.53% more compared to the same period last year. In the first quarter of 2016 the increase will be only 3.1%, which firmly connects the source with the sharp slowdown in growth, and not, for example, seasonal phenomena in the market.