By decreasing the size of the semiconductor transistor switch to a new lithographic standards not only takes more time, but also requires huge financial costs. Perhaps this is why the largest manufacturers of semiconductor products considered reasonable to buy back a large ASML Holding shares, which produces lithographic equipment .
As admitted in an interview with IT Pro Technical Director AMD Mark Peypermaster (Mark Papermaster), the skeptics are wrong when they say the termination of the so-called "Moore's Law" - nominated one of the founders of Intel rule of thumb, according to which the density of transistors on one chip area It should double every two years. Even Intel openly admits that now the step of "Moore's Law" should be increased to two and a half years. On the other hand, the processor giant is convinced that "Moore's Law" is still possible to return to the previous channel and the current difficulties - a temporary phenomenon.
According Peypermaster, it usually is necessary to look wider, not clinging exclusively for improving the pace of semiconductor chip processing technologies. Doubling the performance of processors every two years may be due to other methods - architectural changes, combining various functional units of the processor and so on.
Along the way, the technical director of AMD admitted that he expects the emergence of virtual reality technology with comparable with the world around us levels of graphics realism about a decade. And one-time jump in this development will not be - progress will be evolutionary, gradual.