In chip manufacturing high performance transistors is not always a priority. A number of applications means that you need to prioritize economic indicators: the product should be cheap to manufacture and processing, with different moderate power consumption. GlobalFoundries company this week announced the beginning of the development of 12-nm process technology in varieties with a fully depleted silicon-on-insulator - the so-called FD-SOI, which is already used in process technology with the symbol 22FDX. By the way, according to representatives of GlobalFoundries, it provides even better transistors performance compared to the 14/16-nm process technology, using FinFET-structure. In this case, FD-SOI variant does not require the use of costly techniques such as EUV-lithography, and patterning for a few passages. All this makes the final product cheaper.
According to GlobalFoundries, a 12-nm process technology in the FD-SOI varieties find application in the field of mobile telecommunications equipment (in particular, the 5G network) systems, artificial intelligence and autopilot for cars. In fact, all these segments of the market are closely linked - "smart cars" will require a permanent connection to 5G networks, and be responsible for the improvement of their control algorithms will be artificial intelligence. The introduction of this technology will be at Fab 1 - venture company in the vicinity of Dresden, which was handed down from AMD.
GlobalFoundries claims that 12FDX process technology will provide the performance level comparable to the 10-nanometer FinFET technology but the best value and power characteristics. 12FDX Technology surpasses existing versions of FinFET-technical processes in speed by 15%, but it demonstrates the reduction of energy consumption by 50%. Use process technology 12FDX expressed a desire, NXP Semiconductors, VeriSilicon, Soitec and Chinese developers. Related Products :