These days in Tokyo held an annual event Tokyo Game Show. Among other exhibits at the exhibition was shown the final version of the helmet FOVE Japanese company Fove Inc. From helmets Oculus and HTC companies Fove development of different built-in infrared tracking system for the direction of the user's eyes. This solution enables literally sitting with folded hands to control the picture, which is formed on the helmet in front of the eyes of the screen: to change the focus of view, zoom in or out by yourself trapped in the frame objects and manipulate pop-up menu. At the exhibition, it was stated that the beginning of the reception of orders for the device starts on November 2, but the list of countries where you can get a new product and the cost of the helmet behind the scenes.
It is worth noting that Fove 0 helmet specifications (commercial version received its first digital index) is more modest than the helmet Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Resolution 5.8-inch screen OLED Fove 0 is equal to 2560 x 1440 pixels. screen refresh rate of 70 Hz, while the competitors display is updated at a frequency of 90 Hz. The angle of view in the helmet Fove 0 is in the range of 90-100 degrees. Helmets competitors offer 110-degree viewing angle. But, as mentioned above, it is 0 FOVE tracking unit for the direction of view with a refresh rate of 120 Hz, which is not at the Oculus and HTC products.
0 Fove helmet positioning system is working in a space by two methods. Firstly, a helmet integrated accelerometer and gyroscope. Secondly, complete with a helmet camera goes for positioning, which is connected to a USB 2.0 port on your computer. System requirements, by the way, are the same as in the case of the use of helmets and Oculus HTC: the processor is not weaker than the Intel Core i5, video card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 and above, the presence of HDMI 1.4 ports and USB 3.0. Related Products :