In the website of the American Commission on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is now possible to find document, revealing the size of the compensation package Apple's CEO Tim Cook and his immediate subordinates. In the past year, Apple for the first time in several years faced with falling revenues, the smart phone market is no longer able to pull the company to the top . All these factors affected Tim Cook remuneration.
Let's start with the fact that his salary was increased by half compared with 2015, but it happened at the beginning of 2016, when the company was relatively well. Guaranteed payout increased from two to three million dollars. But the "variable" in the value of premium was reduced from $ 8.0 to $ 5.37 million Adding to this amount, all other payments ($ 378 thousand.), Then by the end of 2016, Tim Cook should receive $ 8.75 million -.. About 15% less than the year before. By
the way, the general director by virtue not so long stay in office until not receive bonuses in the form of Apple shares, but because many of his subordinates make more money - to take at least the same financial director with $ 22.8 million in annual revenue.. Related Products :