We recently reported that globalfoundries company introduced changes in its plans with respect to the passage on 32 nm technical process, after bringing them in correspondence with AMD plans, which continues to remain its basic client. It was communicated that the experimental production of 32 nm chips will start in the third quarter 2010, but not in the first, as it was planned earlier.
Official commentaries appeared on globalfoundries site only yesterday. Today the company representatives must describe about their successes in the mastery of new technological . As usual, globalfoundries designates the introduction periods of sequential technical process step with an accuracy of a half year.
The Series production of 32 nm technical process in the version for devices with high operation speed will start in the second-half of 2010 on Fab 1- Dresden globalfoundries enterprise . This technical process version will combine silicon on insulator (SOI), materials with the high dielectric constant value (high- k) and transistors with the metallic lock. To the end of this year, the release level of suitable chips on this technology will reach 50%. With the identical level of current leakage, 32 nm product will ensure up to 50% higher transistors switching rate in comparison with 45 nm product, produced in Fab 1.
Orders of 28 nm chips with the monolithic base layers will start from the first quarter 2010. Series production will start in the second-half 2010. Second generation 28 nm technical process with materials with the high dielectric constant value (high- k) and transistors with the metallic lock. It will be provided two versions 28 nm technical process: for devices with the high operation speed and devices with low energy consumption.